The GetInfo function returns information about the grabber in a GRABINFO structure.
Points to the GRABINFO structure to receive the grabber information.
The structure has the following form:
GrabInfo struc
giDisplayId db ? ;display ID code
giScrType db ? ;specifies the screen type
giSizeX dw ? ;x raster size in .1mm units
giSizeY dw ? ;y raster size in .1mm units
giCharsX db ? ;# x char cells (columns)
giCharsY db ? ;# y char cells (rows)
giMouseScaleX db ? ;x transform for MS-Mouse
giMouseScaleY db ? ;y transform for MS-Mouse
giReserved db 38 dup (?)
GrabInfo ends
The return value is 0 in the AX register if block operations are not supported in graphics mode. The return value is 1 if block operations are not supported in text mode.
GetInfo fills a GRABINFO structure pointed to by the ES:DI register pair.
Although Windows knows nothing about the reserved members, the grabber can fill some of the members with the extra data in INFOCONTEXT since it is convenient for debugging purposes. Because these members are still reserved, they may change at any time.
The block functions also check the current mode and return the value ERR_UNSUPPORTED to indicate nonsupport for the request.