
  WORD Inquire(lpMouseInfo)    
  LPMOUSEINFO lpMouseInfo;    

The Inquire function returns information about the mouse hardware.



Points to a MOUSEINFO structure containing information about the mouse hardware that is present, the number of buttons on the mouse, and the rate at which the mouse can issue interrupts.

The MOUSEINFO structure has the following form:

typedef struct {

char msExist;

char msRelative;

short msNumButtons;

short msRate;

short msXThreshold;

short msYThreshold;

short msXRes;

short msYRes;

short msMouseCommPort;


Return Value

The return value is the number of bytes actually written into the MOUSEINFO structure.


The export ordinal for this function is 1.

Before setting the msMouseCommPort member in the MOUSEINFO structure, the mouse driver must check the Windows version number. For Windows version 3.1 or greater, the driver should set the member to specify the communication port (if any) used by the mouse.

See Also
