2.1.10 Fonts

A font is a collection of glyphs that define the size and appearance of individual characters in a character set. A display driver uses physical fonts when it draws text. A physical font is a structure that contains all the information the driver needs to draw the glyphs on the screen. GDI supplies these physical fonts whenever it calls the ExtTextOut function.

GDI supports a variety of font types but lets each display driver determine which fonts it supports. A display driver can choose to support any combination of the fonts.

Type Description

Device A font supplied by the display device. The display driver must provide complete support for device fonts, including realizing the fonts and using display hardware to draw the fonts.
Raster A font containing glyph bitmaps that is intended to be used by raster device. GDI supplies a variety of raster fonts, but Windows applications and even display drivers can supply additional fonts. GDI realizes raster fonts as needed, but display drivers that support the fonts must be able to draw the fonts using the data in the physical font format.
TrueType A font containing sophisticated glyph definitions that is intended to be used in conjunction with a rasterizer to produce a corresponding raster font. GDI supplies a variety of TrueType fonts as well as the TrueType rasterizer.
Vector A font containing glyph definitions that is intended to be used by a vector device. GDI supplies a variety of vector fonts, but Windows applications and even display drivers can supply additional fonts. GDI realizes vector fonts as needed, but display drivers that support the fonts must be able to draw the fonts using the data in the physical font.


Display drivers that support raster fonts can also use TrueType fonts.

Although display drivers generally do not use device fonts, a display driver can
realize device fonts if the display hardware support them. Most display drivers
return zero when GDI calls the RealizeObject function requesting a realized font. Returning zero directs GDI to realize the font using existing raster or vector fonts.

Fonts, like other graphics objects, must be realized before the display driver can use them. The format of the realized font depends on the font type. For more information about raster- and vector-font format, see Chapter 13, “Font Files.”

For more information about characters within a specific character set, see Appendix B, “Character Tables.” Raster Fonts

GDI checks the TC_RA_ABLE value in the dpText member to determine whether a display driver supports raster fonts. A raster font is a set of glyph bitmaps, each defining the size and appearance of a character in the font. A display driver that supports raster fonts uses the glyph bitmap to generate the character image on the screen.

Windows provides the following raster fonts.

Font Description

CourierÒ A fixed-width font with serifs in the ANSI character set.
Fixedsys The Windows 2.x fixed-width system font in the ANSI character set.
MS Sans Serif A proportional-width font without (sans) serifs in the ANSI character set.
MS Serif A proportional-width font with serifs in the ANSI character set.
Symbol A representation of math symbols in the Symbol character set.
System A proportional-width font without serifs in the ANSI character set.
Small A set of raster fonts used for displaying characters of 8 points or below with greater readability.
Terminal A fixed-width font with serifs in the OEM character set. Vector Fonts

GDI checks the TC_VA_ABLE value in the dpText member to determine whether a display driver supports vector fonts. A vector font is a set of glyph definitions, each containing a sequence of points respresenting the start and endpoints of the line segments that define the appearance of a character in the font. A display driver that supports vector fonts uses the glyph definitions to generate the character image on the screen. Big Fonts

GDI checks the RC_BIGFONT value in the dpRaster member to determine whether the display driver supports big fonts (also called Windows 3.x fonts). A big font is any font in which the font and glyph information can exceed 64K bytes. Big fonts are primarily designed for use on systems with more than average memory and a microprocessor (such as an 80386) that has instructions that use 32-bit address offsets.

When GDI realizes a font for a driver supporting big fonts, GDI includes additional members (dfFlags through dfReserved1) in the the physical font's FONTINFO structure. Furthermore, since font and glyph information may exceed 64K, the display driver must use 32-bit offsets to access this information. This means the driver should make use of the extended registers of the 80386, such as ESI and EDI.

All display drivers must support standard fonts whether or not they support big fonts.

For big fonts, GDI sets the dfVersion member in the font structure to 0x0300. Standard fonts are set to 0x0200. Also, GDI never mixes fonts for a device. If the display driver registers RC_BIGFONT capability, GDI will always give the driver big fonts—not a mixture of standard and big fonts. TrueType Fonts

Display drivers that handle raster fonts can also handle TrueType fonts without modification. GDI supports TrueType in display drivers by building FONTINFO structures that contain rasterized glyph bitmaps. GDI passes a pointer to this structure to the driver's ExtTextOut or StrBlt function along with the string to be displayed.

An important difference between TrueType and standard fonts is that TrueType fonts are “sparse” in their glyph definitions, that is, the FONTINFO structure may only contain those characters in the string to be displayed. For this reason, display drivers cannot cache the font in private memory and later reference glyphs not previously displayed. The display driver, however, can build up a cache of glyphs as they are displayed. Such a “glyph cache” can boost performance on some display adapters that have hardware text and blit support. Overlapping Glyphs

Display drivers can handle text in TrueType fonts almost identically to text in regular raster fonts. One important difference, however, is that TrueType glyphs are designed to be more readable by minimizing the gaps between glyphs—in fact, some glyphs overlap. To take full advantage of the design and maintain performance, display drivers may need some modification to allow for overlapping glyphs.

TrueType fonts may affect the performance of display drivers since many TrueType glyphs are designed to overlap neighboring glyphs. Overlapping makes text more readable, but complicates the process used by a display driver to draw the text. A display driver can improve its performance by handling overlapping glyphs using the technique described in this section.

The most important performance improvement is to revise a driver's code to handle background opaquing (in the case of opaque text) and overlapping glyphs in a single pass. If a display driver sets the RC_OP_DX_OUTPUT value in the dpRaster member of the GDIINFO structure, GDI assumes that the ExtTextOut function can do background opaquing at the same time the glyphs are drawn. If this value is not set, GDI will split the text output operation into two steps, with the first step being an opaque rectangle that fills the text bounding box. The second operation will then draw the text transparently on top of the previously filled rectangle.

GDI passes the text string and a width array to either the ExtTextOut or StrBlt function in the driver. The width array contains n-1 entries for a string of n characters. Each entry contains a pixel offset from the origin of one character to the origin of the next character. For example, if the third width element is 20, the fourth character should be drawn 20 pixels to the right of the third character.

Handling kerning (glyph overlap) efficiently can be a problem on display adapters with relatively slow video memory access times (such as the EGA and VGA). The algorithm described below is appropriate for such displays. A different approach may be necessary for other display architectures.

The idea behind this algorithm is to never access a video memory location more than once, and, where possible, do word-aligned, 16-bit memory accesses. Ideally, this algorithm should be small, simple, and efficient for text strings with or without kerning.


The following discussion assumes some familiarity with the implementation of the ExtTextOut function in the sample EGA/VGA driver provided with the DDK. For complete details, please see the EGA/VGA source code.

For each character that is partially or completely within the string's clipping rectangle, the stack builder pushes a phase, width, and glyph pointer onto the stack. If kerning occurs in the text string, the stack builder will recognize this and push a “backup” sentinel along with a word that contains the number of pixels to backup before rendering subsequent stack entries. When the entire string has been processed, the stack builder pushes a sentinel word on the stack to mark the end of the entries.

The format of a stack entry is a word containing the phase of the bit pattern (high byte) and the width of the bit pattern (low byte). Following this word, a pointer to a glyph pattern is stored on the stack. For fonts that are less than 64K bytes in size, this is a word value representing an offset from the base of the font segment to the bit patterns for a given glyph. For fonts greater than 64K bytes, this glyph pointer is 2 words which forms a 32-bit offset from the current font segment base.

As an example:

Stack Entries Meaning

-------------- ------

0308, Glyph_ptr 8-bit wide column, starting 3 bits into a byte.

0308, Glyph_ptr Next column, 8 bits wide, phase is again 3.

8000, FFFE Backup by 2 pixels.

0108, Glyph_ptr Next column (overlaps previous column), phase is 1.

FFFF End of stack entries.

After the stack has been built, control is passed to a routine which unstacks each entry and composes an image of the string into a memory buffer. This string image is called a “SuperGlyph” because the format of the memory buffer is identical to the glyph format in the raster font (that is, column major ordering). Each stack entry is processed by fetching up to 4 bytes worth of glyph bit pattern from the font structure, phase aligning with respect to the final destination, and ORing into the compose buffer. This process continues until all stack entries have been processed.

Once complete, the SuperGlyph is then passed to a destination specific output routine which copies the SuperGlyph to the final destination (either video memory, a color bitmap or a monochrome bitmap). Each output routine is optimized for word-aligned, 16-bit accesses to the final destination.

In some cases, the size of the compose buffer may not be big enough to hold a complete image of the string. The VGA/EGA code handles this case with restart logic that composes as much of the SuperGlyph as possible, and then outputs it to the destination. The compose buffer is then cleared and the process repeats until the entire string has been rendered. Font Caching for TrueType Fonts

Display drivers that do their own font caching may encounter conflicts with the new TrueType font technology provided with Windows 3.1. Display drivers that use glyph caching rather than caching the entire character set should work without problems.