
  WORD EnableKBSysReq(fWord)    
  WORD fWord;    

The EnableKBSysReq function enables and disables the CTRL+ALT+SYSREQ trap to the debugger or Microsoft CodeViewÒ (CVW).



Specifies the action to take. This parameter can be one of the following values.

Value Meaning

01h Enables Interrupt 2
02h Disables Interrupt 2
04h Enables CVW Break
08h Disables CVW Break

Return Value

The return value is the state of the SYSREQ key traps. The return value consists of the following bit values.

Bit Meaning

0 Set to 1 to indicate Interrupt 2 enabled; 0 indicates that INT 2 is disabled.
1 Set to 1 to indicate CVW Break enabled; 0 indicates that CVW Break is disabled.

All other bits are reserved.


The export ordinal for this function is 136.

The initial behavior is to ignore CTRL+ALT+SYSREQ. If both Interrupt 2 and CVW are enabled, then CVW overrides.