short Control(lpDevice, ENABLERELATIVEWIDTHS, lpInData, lpOutData)    
  LPPDEVICE lpDevice;    
  LPINT lpInData;    
  LPINT lpOutData;    

The ENABLERELATIVEWIDTHS escape enables or disables relative character widths. When it is disabled (the default setting), each character's width can be expressed as an integer number of device units. This expression guarantees that the extent of a string will equal the sum of the extents of the characters that make up the string. Such behavior enables applications to build an extent table manually using one-character calls to the GetTextExtent (GDI.91) function. When it is enabled, the width of a string may or may not equal the sum of the widths of the characters in the string. Applications that enable this feature are expected to retrieve the font's extent table and compute relatively-scaled string widths themselves.



Points to a PDEVICE structure specifying the destination device.


Points to a 16-bit variable that specifies whether to enable or disable relative widths. If it is 1, relative widths are enabled; if 0, relative widths are disabled.


Points to a 16-bit variable that receives the previous relative character-width member.

Return Value

The return value is 1 if the escape is successful. Otherwise, the return value is 0 if the escape is not successful, or if the escape is not implemented.


The default state of this capability is zero; that is, relative character widths are disabled.

Enabling this feature creates values that are specified as “font units” and accepted and returned by the escapes described in this chapter to be returned in the relative units of the font.

It is assumed that only linear scaling devices will be dealt with in a relative mode. Nonlinear scaling devices should not implement this escape.