2.1.13 Device-Independent Bitmaps

A device-independent bitmap (DIB) is a color bitmap in a format that eliminates the problems that occur when transferring device-dependent bitmaps to devices having difference bitmap formats. DIBs provide color and bitmap information that any display or printer driver can translate into the proper format for its corresponding device.

A display driver can support DIBs by providing the following device-independent bitmap functions.

Function Description

DeviceBitmapBits Copies a DIB to a device-dependent bitmap or a device-dependent bitmap to a DIB.
SetDIBitsToDevice Copies any portion of a DIB to the screen. This function copies the bits directly without applying a raster operation.
StretchDIBits Moves a source rectangle into a destination rectangle, stretching or compressing the bitmap if necessary to fit the dimensions of the destination rectangle.

These functions receive and operate on BITMAPINFO, BITMAPINFOHEADER, and RGBQUAD structures.

A display driver that supports DIBs must provide the CreateDIBitmap function as well. The function should do nothing more than return zero indicating that the creation of a DIB is not supported at the driver level.

If a display driver supports DIBs, it must set one or more of the RC_DI_BITMAP, RC_DIBTODEV, and RC_STRETCHDIB values in the dpRaster member of the GDIINFO structure. If a driver does not set the RC_DI_BITMAP value, GDI simulates DIB conversions using monochrome bitmaps. Logical-Color Tables

A display driver creates a logical-color table when translating a device-specific
bitmap into a DIB. The table resides in the DIB header block. The device driver,
if it is not a palette device, can fill up the table with whatever color it supports
and then, use the corresponding indexes in the bitmap. The driver must also set
the number of colors it is using in the biClrUsed member of the header block.

Consider an example in which the display device is a 4-plane EGA device, and in which the DIB has 8 bits-per-pixel. The logical color table for the DIB has provisions for 256 colors, but the 4-plane driver can deal with only 16 colors. The driver would prepare a color table for the DIB that looked like the following:

RGBQUAD ColorTable[] = {

{0, 0, 0, 0},

{128, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 128, 0, 0},

{128, 128, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 128, 0},

{128, 0, 128, 0},

{0, 128, 128, 0},

{128, 128, 128, 0},

#ifdef VGA

{196, 196, 196, 0},

#else /* EGA */

{64, 64, 64, 0},


{255, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 255, 0, 0},

{255, 255, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 255, 0},

{255, 0, 255, 0},

{0, 255, 255, 0},

{255, 255, 255, 0}};

The device driver may fill in just 16 colors and set biClrUsed to 16, or it may fill up entries 16 through 255 with zeros and set biClrUsed to 0.

The color-mapping tables for each of the DIB formats can be predefined for a particular driver and should be copied into the DIB header during the format-specific initialization. DIB to Device

A display driver can copy a DIB directly to the screen using the SetDIBitsToDevice function. This function saves the trouble of first converting the DIB into the device-dependent format and then, transferring it onto the screen. However, only a direct copy of the DIB is provided. For other raster operations that BitBlt supports, the driver must first convert the DIB into the internal format. Moreover, only one direction of copy (DIB to screen) is provided.

The process of copying the bits is similar to the one adopted in the SetDeviceBitmapBits function except that for some devices, such as the EGA/VGA, the nature of the hardware might make it advantageous to copy one pixel at a time. The concept of having a color-translation table and format-specific initialization remains the same.