typedef struct {

short lfHeight;

short lfWidth;

short lfEscapement;

short lfOrientation;

short lfWeight;

BYTE lfItalic;

BYTE lfUnderline;

BYTE lfStrikeOut;

BYTE lfCharSet;

BYTE lfOutPrecision;

BYTE lfClipPrecision;

BYTE lfQuality;

BYTE lfPitchAndFamily;

BYTE lfFaceName [32];


The LFONT structure contains the logical attributes for a font.



Specifies the height of the font in device units. If this member is greater than zero, the driver should choose a font whose cell height matches the given height. If this member is zero, the driver should choose a font having a reasonable default size. If this member is less than zero, the driver should choose a font whose character height (that is, cell height less internal leading) matches the absolute value of this member. In all cases, the driver should choose the largest font that does not exceed the requested height and, if there is no such font, choose the next smallest font available.


Specifies the average width of characters in the font in device units. If this member is zero, the driver should choose an available font whose digitization aspect ratio (the dfVertRes member of the FONTINFO structure) most closely matches the aspect ratio of the device (the dpAspectY member in the GDIINFO structure). When comparing fonts, the driver should compare the absolute values of the differences between the digitization aspect ratio and the device aspect ratio.


Specifies the angle, counterclockwise from the x-axis in tenths of a degree, of the vector passing through the origin of all the characters in the string.


Specifies the angle, counterclockwise from the x-axis in tenths of a degree, of the baseline of the character.


Specifies the weight of the font ranging from 1 to 1000, with 400 being the value for the standard font. If this member is zero, the driver should choose a reasonable weight.


Specifies whether the font is to be italic. If the low bit is set, the font is to be italic. All other bits must be zero.


Specifies whether the font is to be underlined. If the low bit is set, the font is to be underlined. All other bits must be zero.


Specifies whether the font is to be struck out. If the low bit is set, the font is to be struck out. All other bits must be zero.


Specifies the character set to be used. It can be one of the following values.

Value Meaning

ANSI_CHARSET (0x00) Indicates the ANSI character set.
SYMBOL_CHARSET (0x02) Indicates the Symbol character set.
OEM_CHARSET (0xFF) Indicates an OEM-specific character set. The characters and corresponding character codes depend on the computer.


Specifies the required output precision for text. This member can have one of the following values.

Value Meaning

OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS (0x00) Chooses a reasonable font.
OUT_STRING_PRECIS (0x01) Chooses the font whose size (height and width) most closely matches the requested size. The driver may disregard the requested orientation and escapement, but other attributes must match.
OUT_CHARACTER_PRECIS (0x02) Chooses the font whose size (height and width) most closely matches the requested size. The driver may disregard the requested orientation, but other attributes must match.
OUT_STROKE_PRECIS (0x03) Chooses a font whose attributes exactly match the requested attributes.


Specifies the required clipping precision for text. This member can be one of the following values.

Value Meaning

CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS (0x00) Chooses a reasonable font.
CLIP_CHARACTER_PRECIS (0x01) Chooses a font that allows clipping of individual characters. The driver must be able to clip a character if any portion of it lies outside the clipping rectangle.
CLIP_STROKE_PRECIS (0x02) Chooses a font that allows clipping of portions of a character. The driver must be able to clip any portion of a character that lies outside the clipping rectangle.


Specifies the required quality for text. This member can have one of the following values.

Value Meaning

DEFAULT_QUALITY (0x00) Chooses a reasonable font.
DRAFT_QUALITY (0x01) Chooses a font that generates the most efficient, speediest output. The driver can sacrifice appearance if a speedier font has lower quality. GDI synthesizes bold, italic, underline, and strikethrough characters if needed.
PROOF_QUALITY (0x02) Chooses a font that generates the highest-quality output. The driver should sacrifice speedy output if a slower font has higher quality. The driver should sacrifice output precision if a font that does not exactly match the requested attributes (such as size) is a higher quality. GDI synthesizes bold, italic, underline, and strikethrough characters if needed.


Specifies the font pitch and font family. This member is a combination of one pitch and one family value. The pitch value can be any one of the following values.

Value Meaning

DEFAULT_PITCH (0x00) Chooses a reasonable font.
FIXED_PITCH (0x01) Chooses a fixed-pitch font.
VARIABLE_PITCH (0x02) Chooses a variable-pitch font.

The font family, which describes in a general way the look of a font, can be any one of the following values.

Value Meaning

FF_DONTCARE (0x00) Chooses a reasonable font.
FF_ROMAN (0x10) Chooses a variable-pitch font with serifs.
FF_SWISS (0x20) Chooses a variable-pitch fonts without serifs.
FF_MODERN (0x30) Chooses a fixed-pitch font.
FF_SCRIPT (0x40) Chooses a cursive or script font.
FF_DECORATIVE (0x50) Chooses a novelty font.


Specifies a null-terminated string specifying the name of the font. The driver should choose a font having the given name. If the string is empty (the first byte is zero), the driver should choose a reasonable font. The string, including the null terminator, does not exceed 32 bytes.

See Also

EngineRealizeFont, RealizeObject