
[pointing.device] Name = Filename,"Description",VirtualDevice,[AdditionalInfo]

The [pointing.device] section specifies the files required to install a mouse driver.



Specifies a unique name identifying the mouse driver.


Specifies the MS-DOS filename of the mouse-driver file.


Specifies an ASCII string that describes the mouse driver. This parameter must be enclosed in double quotation marks (").


Specifies the MS-DOS filenames of the associated virtual-mouse devices to be installed for 386 enhanced-mode Windows. If more than one filename is given, the parameter must be enclosed in double quotation marks (").


Specifies the name of the additional information section (in the same information file) that contains additional commands for the Setup program to carry out when installing this pointing device. This parameter can be used to direct Setup to add device-specific information to an initialization file such as SYSTEM.INI, or to install files on which the pointing device driver is dependent.


If the AdditionalInfo parameter is given, the information file must contain an
additional-information section having the name specified by AdditionalInfo. This
section has the form:

[AdditionalInfo] Filename,Destination,INI-Filename,Section,"DeleteLine","AddLine"

The following list outlines the parameters and provides a brief description of each.

Parameter Description

Filename Specifies the MS-DOS filename of the driver-support file such as a dynamic-link file required to operate this display driver. This parameter must have the form id:filename where id specifies a disk identifier. This parameter is optional.
Destination Specifies the WINDOWS directory to receive the file specified by Filename. This parameter can be 0: or 0:system specifying the Windows root directory or the SYSTEM directory. This parameter is required only if a Filename parameter is given.
INI-Filename Specifies either WIN.INI or SYSTEM.INI. Use SYSTEM.INI for all device-specific initialization settings. This parameter is optional.
Section Specifies the name of the section to modify in the given initialization file. This parameter, usually the same as the pointing-device driver's filename, is required only if an INI-Filename parameter is given.
DeleteLine Specifies a line of text to delete from the specified section in the initialization file. Setup uses the parameter as a regular expression to search for and delete the first matching line. This search is not case-sensitive. The parameter must be enclosed in double quotation marks (").
AddLine Specifies a line of text to add to the specified section in the initialization file. The text must have the form keyname=value and must be enclosed in double quotation marks (").


This example shows the [pointing.device] section in an OEMSETUP.INF file for a specific mouse driver:


1 =. ,"OEM Mouse driver disk #1"


oemmouse = 1:oemmouse.drv,"OEM Mouse driver",1:oemvmd.386

See Also
