typedef struct tagPBITMAP {

short bmType;

short bmWidth;

short bmHeight;

short bmWidthBytes;

BYTE bmPlanes;

BYTE bmBitsPixel;

long bmBits;

long bmWidthPlanes;

long bmlpPDevice;

short bmSegmentIndex;

short bmScanSegment;

short bmFillBytes;

short reserved1;

short reserved2;


A PBITMAP structure specifies the dimensions, attributes, and bits of a physical bitmap.



Specifies a physical bitmap. The member must be set to zero.


Specifies the width of the bitmap in pixels.


Specifies the height of the bitmap in raster lines.


Specifies the number of bytes in each raster line of this bitmap. The number of bytes must be even; all raster lines must be aligned on 16-bit boundaries.


Specifies the number of color planes.


Specifies the number of color bits for each pixel.


Points to an array of bits specifying the pixels of the bitmap. The array must be aligned on a 16-bit boundary.


Specifies the size in bytes of each color plane. It is equal to the product of bmWidthBytes*bmHeight.


Points to the PDEVICE structure specifying the device for which this bitmap is compatible.


Specifies the segment or selector offset for segments in the bitmap array. If the bitmap is less than 64K bytes, this member is zero.


Specifies the number of raster lines contained in each segment of the bitmap array. If the bitmap is less than 64K bytes, this member is zero.


Specifies the number of extra bytes in each segment. Graphics-device interface (GDI) allocates storage for the bitmap array in 16-byte multiples.


Reserved; do not use.


Reserved; do not use.


If the bitmap bits exceed 64K bytes, GDI allocates a two or more segments to store the bitmap. In such cases, the bmScanSegment member specifies the number of raster lines stored in each segment, with bmFillBytes specifying any additional bytes needed to round the segment size out to a multiple of 16; no segment contains more than 64K bytes. The total number of segments is equal to the quotient of bmHeight divided by bmScanSegment rounded up by one if the remainder is not zero. The selector (or segment address) for each segment is a multiple of bmSegmentIndex.

GDI stores the bits in the bitmap array as raster lines, with the raster line representing the top of the bitmap stored first. If the bitmap has more than one plane, GDI stores the first raster lines for all planes at the beginning of the array, stores the second raster lines next, and so on. The following shows the layout for a 4-plane bitmap:

Plane 0, first raster line

Plane 1, first raster line

Plane 2, first raster line

Plane 3, first raster line

Plane 0, second raster line




Plane 0, last raster line

Plane 1, last raster line

Plane 2, last raster line

Plane 3, last raster line

If the bitmap array exceeds 64K bytes, GDI splits the raster lines across several segments but retains the storage order, giving the first raster lines in the first segment and the last raster lines in the last segment. When GDI splits the raster lines, it ensures that matching raster lines from the various planes are always in the same segment. If necessary, GDI leaves a number of empty bytes (as specified by bmFillBytes) at the end of the segment to round out the segment size to a multiple of 16.