
  WORD WNetDisconnectDialog(hwndParent, iType)    
  HWND hwndParent;    
  WORD iType;    

The WNetDisconnectDialog function displays a driver-specific disconnection dialog box.



Identifies the owner of the dialog box.


Specifies the type of device to be disconnected. The parameter can be one of the following values.

Value Meaning

WNTYPE_DRIVE (0x0001) A disk device.
WNTYPE_FILE (0x0002) A file.
WNTYPE_PRINTER (0x0003) A printer device.
WNTYPE_COMM (0x0004) A communications port. Reserved; do not use.

Return Value

The return value is one of the following values.

Value Meaning

WN_CANCEL User cancelled (no drive disconnected).
WN_NOT_SUPPORTED Function not supported.
WN_OUT_OF_MEMORY Not enough memory to display the dialog box.


The export ordinal for this function is 26.

If this function is not supported, a default dialog box will be used. When a device is disconnected using the default dialog box, it is removed from the list of permanent connections. If the network driver supports this function, File Manager will not attempt to use WNetCancelConnection. The implication here is that the remote name returned by WNetGetConnection is only used for display purposes.

See Also

WNetCancelConnection, WNetConnectDialog, WNetGetConnection