#define GETEXTENTTABLE 257    

  short Control(lpDevice, GETEXTENTTABLE, lpInData, lpOutData)    
  LPPDEVICE lpDevice;    
  LPBYTE lpInData;    
  LPINT lpOutData;    

The GETEXTENTTABLE escape returns the width (extent) of individual characters from a group of consecutive characters in the selected font's character set. The first and last character (from the group of consecutive characters) are function arguments.



Points to a PDEVICE structure specifying the destination device.


Points to a CHARRANGE structure containing the character codes for the first and last characters in the range. The CHARRANGE structure has the following form:

typedef struct tagCHARRANGE {

BYTE chFirst;

BYTE chLast;



Points to an array of integer values. The size of the array must be at least one more than the difference between the chLast and chFirst members of the structure pointed to by the lpInData parameter.

Return Value

The return value is 1 if the escape is successful. Otherwise, the return value is 0 if it is not successful, or if the escape is not implemented.


The values returned are affected by whether relative character widths are enabled or disabled.

See Also