#define GETPAIRKERNTABLE 258    

  short Control(lpDevice, GETPAIRKERNTABLE, NULL, lpOutData)    
  LPPDEVICE lpDevice;    
  LPKERNPAIR lpOutData;    

The GETPAIRKERNTABLE escape fills the buffer pointed to by the lpOutData parameter with the character pair-kerning table for the currently selected font.



Points to a PDEVICE structure specifying the destination device.


Points to an array of KERNPAIR structures. This array must be large enough to accommodate the font's entire character pair-kerning table. The number of character-kerning pairs in the font can be obtained from the EXTTEXTMETRIC structure which is returned by the GETEXTENDED-TEXTMETRICS escape. The KERNPAIR structure has the following form:

typedef struct tagKERNPAIR {

union {

BYTE each [2];

WORD both;

} kpPair;

short kpKernAmount;


Return Value

The return value is the number of KERNPAIR structures copied to the buffer. Otherwise, the return value is zero if the font does not have kerning pairs defined, the escape fails, or the escape is not implemented.


The values returned in the KERNPAIR structures are affected by whether relative character widths are enabled or disabled.

See Also