B.15 General Errors

The following error messages are general errors which UniTool issues.

No errors were found!  
  UniTool issues this message if no errors were found after the developer chooses the Validate Now! command.
Numeric Value required!  
  UniTool issues this message if the developer enters a non-numeric value instead of a numeric value.
Illegal string!  
  UniTool issues this message if an illegally formatted string is entered.
Global Memory Allocation failed  
  UniTool issues this message if it is not able to allocate required memory. If this error occurs, exit UniTool and the Windows application without attempting to save data.
Can't Save File! minidriver name  
  UniTool issues this message when it cannot save the file using the specified filename.
Can't Find File! minidriver name  
  UniTool issues this message if it cannot find the requested file.
Bad Format GPC file  
  UniTool issues this message if the developer requests that it load a GPC file with an illegal format.
Newer version of UniTool needed to read this file  
  UniTool issues this message if the developer must load a newer version of UniTool in order to edit the specified GPC file.
Save Failed, restoring original files  
  UniTool issues this message if it cannot save a GPC file, and must therefore restore the original files.
Can't read font file: minidriver name  
  UniTool issues this message if it cannot read the specified font file.
Bad format Font file: minidriver name  
  UniTool issues this message if the format of the specified font file is illegal.
Not a device font PFM file: minidriver name  
  UniTool issues this message if the specified font files do not correspond to a device font.
Can't read PFMEXTENSION, unable to access DRIVERINFO  
  UniTool issues this message if it cannot parse the PFMEXTENSION data structure in the PFM file. (If UniTool cannot parse the PFMEXTENSION structure, it will not be able to read the DRIVERINFO structure.)
Can't read RC File: minidriver name  
  UniTool issues this message if it is not able to read the specified font file.
Bad Format RC File  
  UniTool issues this message if the specified RC file uses an illegal format.
Can't save RC File: minidriver name  
  UniTool issues this message if it cannot save the specified resource file.
Can't find string with requested ID  
  UniTool issues this message if the GPC file contains an entry in its string table that is not present in the corresponding RC file.
Unresolved STRINGTABLE reference for ID:minidriver name  
  UniTool issues this message if it cannot resolve the specified string-table reference.
Unable to retrieve font file names, Can't save file  
  UniTool issues this message if it cannot retrieve the specified font files, and therefore save the corresponding resource file.
Unable to retrieve CTT file names, Can't save file  
  UniTool issues this message if it cannot retrieve the specified CTT files, and therefore save the corresponding resource file.
Unable to retrieve RC strings, Can't save file  
  UniTool issues this message if it cannot retrieve the minidriver's resource strings, and therefore cannot save the file.
RC file doesn't reference GPC file:minidriver name  
  UniTool issues this message if the specified resource file does not contain a reference to the listed GPC file.
RC file lists duplicate font files  
  UniTool issues this message if the specified resource file contains duplicate font-file entries.
RC file lists duplicate CTT files  
  UniTool issues this message if the specified resource file contains duplicate CTT entries.
RC file has non-contiguously numbered font files  
  UniTool issues this message if the specified resource file contains noncontiguous identifiers for minidriver font files.
STRINGTABLE missing END statement  
  UniTool issues this message if the specified resource file contains a string table that is missing an END statement.
Illegal STRINGTABLE entry in:minidriver name  
  UniTool issues this message if the specified resource file contains an illegal string-table entry.
Illegal GPC file entry:minidriver name  
  UniTool issues this message if it cannot parse the entry for the GPC file which appears in the resource file.
Illegal Font file entry:minidriver name  
  UniTool issues this message if it cannot parse the entry for a font file which appears in the specified resource file.
Illegal CTT file entry:minidriver name  
  UniTool issues this message if it cannot parse the entry for a CTT file which appears in the specified resource file.
GPC and/or RC file is read only,Save will be disabled:minidriver name  
  UniTool issues this message if either the specified resource file or the associated GPC file was saved with read-only permission.
Illegal DRV name, must be between 1–8 chars  
  UniTool issues this message if the developer specifies a minidriver name that exceeds 8 characters.
Must Provide a Destination Directory  
  UniTool issues this message if the directory name (that is specified as part of the minidriver name) is not valid.
Can't change drives: minidriver name  
  UniTool issues this message if it cannot switch to the specified driver.
Can't create directory:minidriver name  
  UniTool issues this message if it cannot create the specified directory.
Can't find minidriver name in UNITOOL.INF  
  UniTool issues this message if it cannot find an entry for the specified minidriver in the UNITOOL.INF file.
Can't find UNITOOL.INF in Windows directory  
  UniTool issues this message if it cannot locate the file named UNITOOL.INF.
Can't add atom for minidriver name  
  UniTool issues this message if it cannot process a string. If this error occurs, exit UniTool and Windows.
Requested CTT ID value already used by: minidriver name  
  UniTool issues this message if the specified CTT identifier is already in use.
Replacement CTT ID doesn't exist!  
  UniTool issues this message if the specified replacement CTT does not exist.
Can't save CTT reference change in: minidriver name  
  UniTool issues this message if it is not able to save the font file after a reference to a CTT was changed.
Can't update Read Only file: minidriver name  
  UniTool issues this message if it is not able to save a font file which was saved with read-only permissions.
Default Font ID in: minidriver name Is no longer valid!  
  UniTool issues this message if it deletes a font file that contained the minidriver's default font.
No structures of this type have been defined  
  UniTool issues this message if the developer attempts to modify data that has not been defined.
Target Directory doesn't exist, Create?  
  UniTool issues this message if the specified directory does not exist.
OverWrite the file: minidriver name  
  UniTool issues this message prior to overwriting and existing minidriver file.