5.1.6 Selecting the Paper Size

The Select String box contains the device command which selects a particular paper size. For laser printers, a device command to select a page size is usually required. For non-laser printers, use a device command to set page size, if the command is available. In either case, if using a page-size selection command, set the PS_EJECTFF bit in the fGeneral dialog box.

Diconix 150 Plus

For the Diconix 150 Plus printer, the default paper size is 8.5 x 11 inches; therefore, no command is required.

HP LaserJet IIP

While some of these individual commands may appear unnecessary, they are used to prevent problems on some particular printers. For the HP LaserJet IIP printer, the Page Size command (ESC&l2A) selects the 8.5 x 11 inch paper size; the Line Spacing command (ESC&l4D) selects a vertical line spacing of 4 lines per inch; the Top Margin command (ESC&l1E) specifies that the top margin is the height of 1 line; and the Text Length command (ESC&l42F) specifies that there are 42 lines per page.

To specify a combination of these commands, type the following in the Select String box:
