7.1.29 Driver Information

The DriverInfo group box at the bottom of the PFM dialog box contains the printer commands which select and cancel the selection of the font as well as additional data that some printers require to render text with a specific font. Font Selection

The Font Select control contains the printer command which selects a particular font.

Diconix 150 Plus

For the Diconix 150 Plus printer, the Elite Mode On command (ESCM) selects 10-point and 12-pitch Roman font.

To specify the Elite Mode On command, type the following in the Font Select box:



Depending on the printer model, font selection commands may require a combination of printer commands to select the desired font. Canceling Font Selection

The Font UnSelect control contains the printer command which cancels a font selection. For printers that have no x-cursor movement command and rely on the width of the space character to perform horizontal movement, this command selects the font or pitch that causes the printer to move the desired amount for a space character. This command is also required if a printer's font selection command will enable attributes which cannot be disabled by a subsequent font select command or inhibit the use of other commands used in the driver.

Diconix 150 Plus

For the Diconix 150 Plus printer, there is no command that cancels the selection of the default font when the printer's switches are set to the factory default; therefore, the Font UnSelect box is empty.