4.2.5 Relative-Vertical Cursor Movement

The CM_OCD_YM_REL box contains the printer command or commands which move the cursor in the positive y-direction with respect to the current position. For most printers, the corresponding Units dialog box contains values that the Universal Printer Driver will use to calculate the argument for the relative-vertical cursor-movement command arguments from vertical master units.

Diconix 150 Plus

For the Diconix 150 Plus printer, the Immediate Line Feed command (ESCJn) moves the cursor by n units in the positive y-direction with respect to the current cursor location. The variable n specifies the distance of movement in 1/288 inch units.

To specify the Immediate Line Feed command, type the following in the CMD_OCD_YM_REL box:


HP LaserJet IIP

For the HP LaserJet IIP printer, the relative Vertical Cursor Positioning command (ESC*p+nY) moves the cursor by n units in the positive y-direction with respect to the current cursor location. The variable n specifies the distance of movement in 1/300 inch units.

To specify the relative Vertical Cursor Positioning command, type the following in the CMD_OCD_YM_REL box:
