6.3.4 Color-Plane Selection

The Planes Colors control contains four boxes which specify the commands that render the color graphics output.

HP PaintJet

For the Hewlett-Packard PaintJet printer, the 1st Plane and 2nd Plane boxes contain the Transfer Raster Data by Plane command (ESC*bnV) where n specifies the number of bytes of raster data.

To specify the Transfer Raster Data by Plane command, type the following in the 1st Plane and 2nd Plane controls:


The 3rd Plane box contains the Transfer Raster Data by Row command (ESC*bnW). This command differs from the previous command in that it moves the current active position (CAP) to the next row of data.

To specify the Transfer Raster Data by Row command, type the following in the 3rd Plane control:


Because the PaintJet printer uses three-plane technology, the 4th Plane box is empty.


If the DC_PRIMARY_RGB bit is set in the fGeneral dialog box, the Universal Printer Driver will use the device commands to send a color plane of graphics data instead of sending block commands from the resolution section when color is enabled.