7.5.1 Enabling Bold Simulation

The FS_OCD_BOLD_ON box contains the command which enables bold simulations for a printer.

Diconix 150 Plus

For the Diconix 150 Plus printer, the Emphasized Mode On command (ESCE) enables bold simulations.

To specify the Emphasized Mode On command, type the following in the FS_OCD_BOLD_ON box:


HP LaserJet IIP

For the HP LaserJet IIP printer, the Stroke Weight command (ESC(snB) specifies the thickness of the strokes that compose a character. If n is -3, the stroke is thin; if n is 0, the stroke is normal; if n is 3, the stroke is bold.

However, because the TC_EA_DOUBLE check box in the fText dialog box is not checked, the Universal Printer Driver will not perform bold simulations. The command to select bold is included in a font simulation structure to override the TC_EA_DOUBLE check box.

To specify the Stroke Weight command which enables bold output, type the following in the FS_OCD_BOLD_ON box:
