
include v86mmgr.inc

VxDcall V86MMGR_Allocate_V86_Pages

The V86MMGR_Allocate_V86_Pages service allocates and maps the base V86 memory for a virtual machine.



Specifies the virtual machine handle.


Specifies the desired size of virtual machine address space in kilobytes.


Specifies the minimum size of virtual machine address space in kilobytes.


Specifies the flags. See the V86MMGR.INC file for bit definitions.

Return Value

The carry flag is clear if the service allocates memory and maps it into the virtual machine. The EAX register contains the actual number of pages allocated and mapped (that is, the size of the virtual machine). This size does not include the space from 0 to the first virtual machine page.

If the carry flag is set, the service could not allocate memory.


If an error occurs, this service calls the GetSetDetailedVMError service to set an error value.

The sizes specified by the ESI and EDI parameters include the region of V86 address space from 0 through the first virtual machine page.


EAX, Flags