

mov eax, BreakAddr ; break point address

mov edx, OFFSET32 RefData ; points to reference data

mov esi, OFFSET32 Callback ; points to callback procedure to install

VMMcall Install_V86_Break_Point

jc not_installed

The Install_V86_Break_Point service inserts a break point in V86 memory of the current virtual machine, and installs a break-point callback procedure to receive control when the break point occurs. A virtual device, such as the virtual MS-DOS manager, can use this service to place patches in the BIOS.



Specifies the V86 address to place the break point. The address must be specified as a segment:offset pair, and must specify RAM. Once installed, the break point must not be moved.


Points to reference data to be passed to the callback procedure.


Points to the callback procedure to install. For more information about the callback procedure, see the following “Comments” section.

Return Value

The carry flag is clear if the service is successful. Otherwise, the carry flag is set to indicate an error.


Virtual devices typically place V86 break points in global virtual device memory during device initialization. For example, the XMS driver in the virtual V86MMGR device inserts a breakpoint in the real-mode XMS driver during device initialization. Thereafter, all calls to the real-mode XMS driver are intercepted by the virtual XMS driver.

The segment address specified when installing a V86 break point must be the segment address in the CS register when the virtual machine executes the break point. For example, if the break point is placed at 0100:0000 but the virtual machine executes the break point at the address 00FF:0010h, an error occurs even though the virtual machine executed a valid break point.

When the virtual machine executes the break point, the system calls the callback procedure as follows:

mov eax, BreakAddr ; address of breakpoint

mov ebx, VM ; current VM handle

mov edx, OFFSET32 RefData ; points to reference data

mov esi, BreakLinAddr ; linear address of break point

mov ebp, OFFSET32 crs ; points to a Client_Reg_Struc

The BreakAddr parameter is the V86 address of the break point. The VM parameter is a handle identifying the current virtual machine and the RefData parameter points to the reference data specified when the callback procedure was installed. The BreakLinAddr parameter specified the linear address of the break point and the crs parameter points to a Client_Reg_Struc structure containing the register values for the specified virtual machine.

The Client_CS and Client_IP registers contain the address of the break point. The virtual device must change these registers to prevent the break point from being executed again when the virtual machine resumes. A virtual device can change the register by simulating the instruction that was patched, incrementing the Client_IP register past the patch, jumping to another address using the Simulate_Far_Jmp service, or returning from an interrupt handler using the Simulate_Iret service.

When the virtual device receives the System_Exit message, it must remove any break point that it placed in global V86 code, that is, code loaded before Windows was loaded. The virtual device can remove a V86 break point using the Remove_V86_Break_Point service.



See Also
