
mov ax, 0005h ; Get_Profile_Hex_Int

call cs:[ecx] ; points to service entry point passed to

; real-mode initialization procedure

The Get_Profile_Hex_Int service returns a hexadecimal integer value from the SYSTEM.INI file.

This service is available only with Windows version 3.1 or later.



Must be 0005h.


Specifies the default value if the setting has no current value.


Points to a null-terminated string specifying the name of the section to search. If the SI register is zero, the service searches the [386Enh] section.


Points to a null-terminated string specifying the name of the setting to search for.

Return Value

If the carry flag is clear, the ECX register contains the value of the specified setting. In the SYSTEM.INI file, the value is zero or more hexadecimal digits (0–9, A-F) followed by a terminating character or an uppercase or lowercase letter H.

If both the carry and zero flags are set, the setting has no current value, and the ECX register contains the default value. If just the carry flag is set, the specified setting cannot be found.


ECX, Flags