

mov eax, Message ; system control message

mov ebx, VM ; VM handle (if needed by message)

mov esi, Param1 ; message-specific parameter

mov edi, Param2 ; message-specific parameter

mov edx, Param3 ; message-specific parameter

VMMcall System_Control

jc error ; carry flag set if error

The System_Control service sends system control messages to all the virtual devices and, depending on the message, to the VMM.



Specifies the system control message. This parameter can be one of the following values:

Value Meaning

Begin_PM_App A protected-mode application is starting.
Close_VM_Notify A virtual machine is closing.
Create_VM A virtual machine is being created.
Critical_Reboot_Notify System is restarting (interrupt disabled).
Debug_Query Requests for virtual device's debugging interface.
Destroy_VM A virtual machine is being destroyed.
Device_Init Virtual devices initializing (interrupts enabled).
Device_Reboot_Notify System is restarting (interrupts enabled).
End_PM_App A protected-mode application is ending.
Init_Complete All virtual devices have initialized.
Power_Event Power is being suspended or resumed.
Reboot_Processor Virtual device must restart system if it can.
Set_Device_Focus A virtual device is taking the focus.
Sys_Critical_Exit System is terminating (interrupt disabled).
Sys_Critical_Init Virtual devices initializing (interrupts disabled).
Sys_VM_Init System VM is being created.
Sys_VM_Terminate System VM is being destroyed.
System_Exit System is terminating (interrupts enabled).
VM_Critical_Init Virtual machine being created (interrupts disabled).
VM_Init Virtual machine being created (interrupts enabled).
VM_Not_Executeable Virtual machine being destroyed.
VM_Resume Virtual machine execution resumed.
VM_Suspend Virtual machine execution suspended.
VM_Terminate Virtual machine begin destroyed.

For more information about these messages, see Chapter 27, “VMM Message Reference.”


Specifies a handle identifying a virtual machine. This parameter is not required by every system control message.


Specifies a message-specific parameter.


Specifies a message-specific parameter.


Specifies a message-specific parameter.

Return Value

The carry flag is clear if the service is successful. Otherwise, the carry flag is set to indicate an error.

If the Create_VM message is successful, the EBX register contains the new virtual machine handle.


Although virtual devices may receive many of the system control messages, they may send only the following messages:

Message Description

Create_VM May only be sent by the virtual shell device.
Destroy_VM May only be sent by the virtual shell device.
Set_Device_Focus May be sent by any virtual device. If the device ID is zero, all devices with a focus that can be set, must set their focus to the specified virtual machine.
End_PM_App May only be sent by the virtual MS-DOS manager.

Virtual devices must send and reply to messages correctly to prevent erratic system behavior.

This service uses the ECX register, therefore the register cannot be used to pass data through to the virtual device receiving the control message.


EBX, Flags