For each program, MS-DOS builds a 256-byte program segment prefix (PSP) that contains such information about the program's environment as the amount of memory the system allocates for the program, the location of the program's environment block, and the command-line arguments supplied to the program. MS-DOS places the PSP in the first 256 bytes of memory allocated for the program. The program code and data immediately follow the PSP.
The form of the PSP corresponds to that of the PSP structure:
pspInt20 dw ? ;Int 20h instruction
pspNextParagraph dw ? ;segment addr of next paragraph
db ? ;reserved
pspDispatcher db 5 dup(?) ;long call to MS-DOS
pspTerminateVector dd ? ;Termination Address (Int 22h)
pspControlCVector dd ? ;CTRL+C Handler (Int 23h) addr
pspCritErrorVector dd ? ;Crit-Err Handler (Int 24h) addr
dw 11 dup(?) ;reserved
pspEnvironment dw ? ;segment address of environment
dw 23 dup(?) ;reserved
pspFCB_1 db 16 dup(?) ;default FCB #1
pspFCB_2 db 16 dup(?) ;default FCB #2
dd ? ;reserved
pspCommandTail db 128 dup(?) ;command tail (also default DTA)
For a full description of the PSP structure, see Section 5.8, “Structures.”