8.2.5 File-Control-Block (FCB) Functions

Early versions of MS-DOS used file control blocks (FCBs) for file management. Although MS-DOS still supports the FCB functions, new programs should use the file-handle functions.

This chapter includes reference information about the FCB functions for programmers who maintain older programs that may still use these functions. Following are the MS-DOS FCB functions:

Function Description Version

0Fh Open File with FCB 1.0
10h Close File with FCB 1.0
11h Find First File with FCB 1.0
12h Find Next File with FCB 1.0
13h Delete File with FCB 1.0
14h Sequential Read 1.0
15h Sequential Write 1.0
16h Create File with FCB 1.0
17h Rename File with FCB 1.0
21h Random Read 1.0
22h Random Write 1.0
23h Get File Size 1.0
24h Set Random Record Number 1.0
27h Random Block Read 1.0
28h Random Block Write 1.0
29h Parse Filename 1.0