8.2.7 Character Input/Output (I/O) Functions

The standard character input/output (I/O) functions handle all input to and output from character devices, such as consoles, printers, and serial ports.

Following are the MS-DOS character I/O functions:

Function Description Version

01h Read Keyboard with Echo 1.0
02h Display Character 1.0
03h Auxiliary Input 1.0
04h Auxiliary Output 1.0
05h Print Character 1.0
06h Direct Console I/O 1.0
07h Direct Console Input 1.0
08h Read Keyboard Without Echo 1.0
09h Display String 1.0
0Ah Buffered Keyboard Input 1.0
0Bh Check Keyboard Status 1.0
0Ch Flush Buffer, Read Keyboard 1.0