mov bx, SessionID ;identifier for new session
les di, Service ;es:di is address of service-function handler
mov ax, 0005h ;Create Session
call [Notification] ;client program's notification-function handler
cmp ax, 1
je no_create ;1 = don't create session
Create Session (Notification Function 0005h) notifies client programs that the task switcher is about to create a new session.
Identifies the session to be created. This parameter consists of a 4-bit switcher identifier (in the most significant 4 bits) and a 12-bit session number (in the low-order 12 bits).
Points to the service-function handler for the task switcher.
The AX register contains 0000h if a new session can be created safely or 0001h if the client program cannot safely handle a new session.
All other values are reserved.
Before creating a new session, the task switcher calls Create Session to allow client programs to prevent the session from being created. If, for example, global client programs keep information for each session in a fixed-length data structure, they may respond to the notification by preventing the new session if the structure does not have enough room for it.
A newly created session does not have to be activated immediately; other sessions can be created, destroyed, and switched before the new session is activated.
If any client program returns 0001h to Create Session, all client programs may receive a call to Destroy Session (Notification Function 0006h), including the program that returned 0001h. Client programs can ignore a call to Destroy Session received without a preceding call to Create Session.
The task switcher enables interrupts before calling the client program. The client program can call any MS-DOS system function. Although the client program modifies the AX register, it must preserve all other registers.
Notification Function 0006h Destroy Session