Function 2Eh Set/Reset Verify Flag

mov al, VerifyFlag ;0 = reset, 1 = set

mov ah, 2Eh ;Set/Reset Verify Flag

int 21h

Set/Reset Verify Flag (Function 2Eh) turns the write verify flag on or off, thus determining whether MS-DOS verifies write operations.



Specifies whether MS-DOS is to attempt to verify that data has been transferred correctly after write operations. If this parameter is 0, MS-DOS does not verify write operations; if this parameter is 1, MS-DOS verifies write operations.

Return Value

This function has no return value.


The system checks this flag every time it performs a write operation. The write verify flag is typically off, because disk errors are rare and verification slows writing. The write verify flag can be turned on during critical write operations.

See Also

Function 54h Get Verify State