mov ax, 0000h ;Get Version
call [Service] ;service-function handler
jc error_handler
mov WORD PTR [Version], bx
mov ax, es
mov WORD PTR [Version+2], ax ;es:bx points to SWVERSION structure
Get Version (Service Function 0000h) returns the address of an SWVERSION structure that identifies the current task switcher, its version number, and the protocol it supports.
Client programs and task switchers can call this function.
This function has no parameters.
If the function is successful, the carry flag is clear, the AX register contains 0000h, and the ES:BX registers contain the address of the SWVERSION structure for the current task switcher. If the task switcher does not support this function, the carry flag is set.
The SWVERSION structure has the following form:
svsAPIMajor dw ? ;protocol supported major version
svsAPIMinor dw ? ;protocol supported minor version
svsProductMajor dw ? ;task switcher's major version
svsProductMinor dw ? ;task switcher's minor version
svsSwitcherID dw ? ;task-switcher identifier
svsFlags dw ? ;operation flags
svsName dd ? ;points to task-switcher name (ASCIIZ)
svsPrevSwitcher dd ? ;previous task switcher's entry address
For a full description of the SWVERSION structure, see Section 7.11, “Structures.”
A task switcher processing Get Version can enable interrupts and call any MS-DOS system function. Although the task switcher modifies the AX, ES, and DI registers, it must preserve all other registers.
Interrupt 2Fh Function 4B02h Detect Switcher