mov dl, DriveNum ;drive (0 = default, 1 = A, etc.)
mov ah, 32h ;Get DPB
int 21h
cmp al, 0FFh ;0FFh means error
jz error_handler
mov word ptr [defaultDPB], bx
mov word ptr [defaultDPB+2], ds ;ds:bx points to default DPB
Get DPB (Function 32h) retrieves drive parameters for the specified drive.
Specifies the number of the drive to return information for (0 = default, 1 = A, 2 = B, and so on).
If the function is successful, the AL register contains zero and the DS:BX registers point to a DPB structure that contains the drive parameters. The DS register contains the segment address, and the BX register contains the offset. Otherwise, if the specified drive was invalid or a disk error occurred, the AL register contains 0FFh.
If Get DPB is successful, the DS:BX registers point to a DPB structure, which has the following form:
dpbDrive db ? ;drive number (0 = A, 1 = B, etc.)
dpbUnit db ? ;unit number for driver
dpbSectorSize dw ? ;sector size, in bytes
dpbClusterMask db ? ;sectors per cluster - 1
dpbClusterShift db ? ;sectors per cluster, as power of 2
dpbFirstFAT dw ? ;first sector containing FAT
dpbFATCount db ? ;number of FATs
dpbRootEntries dw ? ;number of root-directory entries
dpbFirstSector dw ? ;first sector of first cluster
dpbMaxCluster dw ? ;number of clusters on drive + 1
dpbFATSize dw ? ;number of sectors occupied by FAT
dpbDirSector dw ? ;first sector containing directory
dpbDriverAddr dd ? ;address of device driver
dpbMedia db ? ;media descriptor
dpbFirstAccess db ? ;indicates access to drive
dpbNextDPB dd ? ;address of next drive parameter block
dpbNextFree dw ? ;last allocated cluster
dpbFreeCnt dw ? ;number of free clusters
For more information about the DPB structure, see Chapter 3, “File System.”
Function 1Fh Get Default DPB