svsAPIMajor dw ? ;protocol supported major version
svsAPIMinor dw ? ;protocol supported minor version
svsProductMajor dw ? ;task switcher's major version
svsProductMinor dw ? ;task switcher's minor version
svsSwitcherID dw ? ;task-switcher identifier
svsFlags dw ? ;operation flags
svsName dd ? ;points to task-switcher name (ASCIIZ)
svsPrevSwitcher dd ? ;previous task switcher's entry address
The SWVERSION structure contains information about a task switcher.
Specifies the highest major version of the task-switching protocol that the task switcher supports. For example, if the highest version of the protocol supported is 3.10, this field would be set to 0003h. The current version is 1.0.
Specifies the highest minor version of the task-switching protocol that the task switcher supports. For example, if the highest version of the protocol supported is 3.10, this field would be set to 000Ah. The current version is 1.0.
Specifies the major version of the task switcher, in the same format as the svsAPIMajor field.
Specifies the minor version of the task switcher, in the same format as svsAPIMinor field.
Specifies the switcher identifier (low-order 4 bits). The task switcher uses Allocate Switcher ID (Interrupt 2Fh Function 4B03h) to generate this identifier.
Specifies the task-switcher flags. In this version of the task-switching protocol, only bit 0 has meaning. If bit 0 is 1, the task switcher is currently disabled; otherwise, the task switcher is enabled. All other bits are reserved and must be zero.
Specifies the 32-bit address (segment:offset) of a zero-terminated ASCII string that names the task switcher (for example, “Microsoft MS-DOS Shell Task Switcher”).
Specifies the 32-bit entry address (segment:offset) of the previously loaded task switcher. This entry address can be used to call the previously loaded task switcher's service-function handler.
Interrupt 2Fh Function 4B02h Detect Switcher Interrupt 2Fh Function 4B03h Allocate Switcher ID Service Function 0000h Get Version