Function 38h Get/Set Country Information

lds dx, InfoAddress ;ds:dx points to buffer to get country info


;dx is 0FFFFh to set country code

cmp CountryCode, 0FEh

ja code2

mov al, byte ptr CountryCode ;country code if less than 254

jmp continue


mov bx, CountryCode ;country code if greater than 254

mov al, 0FFh


mov ah, 38h ;Get/Set Country Information

int 21h

jc error_handler ;carry set means error

Get/Set Country Information (Function 38h) either returns country information or sets the country code, depending on the contents of the DX register.

If the DX register contains any value other than 0FFFFh, this function returns a COUNTRYINFO structure containing country information that MS-DOS uses to control the keyboard and screen.

If the DX register contains 0FFFFh, this function sets the country code that MS-DOS uses to determine country information for the keyboard and screen.



Specifies whether this function gets country information or sets the country code. If the parameter points to a COUNTRYINFO structure, the function copies country information to the structure. If the low 16 bits of the parameter is 0FFFFh, the function sets the country code.

The COUNTRYINFO structure has the following form:


ciDateFormat dw ? ;date format

ciCurrency db 5 dup (?) ;currency symbol (ASCIIZ)

ciThousands db 2 dup (?) ;thousands separator (ASCIIZ)

ciDecimal db 2 dup (?) ;decimal separator (ASCIIZ)

ciDateSep db 2 dup (?) ;date separator (ASCIIZ)

ciTimeSep db 2 dup (?) ;time separator (ASCIIZ)

ciBitField db ? ;currency format

ciCurrencyPlaces db ? ;places after decimal point

ciTimeFormat db ? ;12-hour or 24-hour format

ciCaseMap dd ? ;address of case-mapping routine

ciDataSep db 2 dup (?) ;data-list separator (ASCIIZ)

ciReserved db 10 dup (?) ;reserved


For a full description of the COUNTRYINFO structure, see Chapter 6, “National Language Support.”


Specifies the country code. This parameter can be one of the following values:

Value Meaning

001 United States
002 Canadian-French
003 Latin America
031 Netherlands
032 Belgium
033 France
034 Spain
036 Hungary
038 Yugoslavia
039 Italy
041 Switzerland
042 Czechoslovakia
044 United Kingdom
045 Denmark
046 Sweden
047 Norway
048 Poland
049 Germany
055 Brazil
061 International English
351 Portugal
358 Finland

Each country code is listed as a three-digit decimal number, the same as that used for that country's international telephone prefix.

To get country information for the current country, CountryCode must be zero.

Return Value

If the function is successful, the carry flag is clear. Otherwise, the carry flag is set and the AX register contains an error value, which may be one of the following values:

Value Name



When the country code is less than 254, the AL register contains the code. Otherwise, the BX register contains the country code and the AL register contains the value 0FFh.

If the DX register contains any value other than 0FFFFh, the function returns the country code in both the AL and BX registers. In this case, the AL register contains the low 8 bits of the country code.

See Also

Function 6501h Get Extended Country Information
Function 6601h Get Global Code Page
Function 6602h Set Global Code Page