ldrLength db ? ;length of record, in bytes
ldrUnit db ? ;unit number
ldrFunction db 18h ;function number
ldrStatus dw ? ;status
ldrReserved db 8 dup(?) ;reserved
Set Logical Device (Device-Driver Function 18h) sets the active drive number to the drive specified by the ldrUnit field.
This function is used for block-device drivers only.
Specifies the length, in bytes, of the LOGDEVICEREQUEST structure.
Specifies the device to make active. This field contains a zero-based drive number.
Specifies the Set Logical Device function: 18h.
Specifies the status of the completed function. If the function is successful, the driver must set the done bit (bit 8). Otherwise, the driver must set both the error and done bits (bits 15 and 8) and copy an error value to the low-order byte.
MS-DOS calls this function only if bit 6 is set in the dhAttributes field of the driver's DEVICEHEADER structure. For a full description of the DEVICEHEADER structure, see Section 9.9, “Structures.”
Device-Driver Function 17h Get Logical Device
Interrupt 21h Function 440Fh Set Logical Drive Map