Function 440Ch Minor Code 6Bh Query Code-Page Prepare List

mov bx, Handle ;handle of device

mov ch, Category ;device category

mov cl, 6Bh ;Query Code-Page Prepare List

mov dx, seg ListIDs

mov ds, dx

mov dx, offset ListIDs ;ds:dx points to CPLIST structure

mov ax, 440Ch ;IOCTL for Character Device

int 21h

jc error_handler ;carry set means error

Query Code Page Prepare List (Function 440Ch Minor Code 6Bh) returns the list of currently prepared code pages for the specified device.



Identifies the device to return the code-page list for.


Specifies the type of device. This parameter must be one of the following values:

Value Device

01h Serial device
03h Console (screen)
05h Parallel printer


Points to a CPLIST structure that receives the list of prepared code pages. The CPLIST structure has the following form:


cplLength dw ((HARDWARE_IDS+1)+(PREPARED_IDS+1))*2

;structure length, in bytes,

;excluding this field

cplHIds dw HARDWARE_IDS ;number of hardware code pages

cplHid dw HARDWARE_IDS dup(?) ;array of hardware code pages

cplPIds dw PREPARED_IDS ;number of prepared code pages

cplPid dw PREPARED_IDS dup(?) ;array of prepared code pages


For a full description of the CPLIST structure, see Chapter 6, “National Language Support.”

Return Value

If the function is successful, the carry flag is clear. Otherwise, the carry flag is set.


The device driver may return up to 12 hardware code-page identifiers and 12 prepared code-page identifiers.

See Also

Function 440Ch Minor Code 4Ah Select Code Page
Function 440Ch Minor Code 4Ch Start Code-Page Prepare
Function 440Ch Minor Code 4Dh End Code-Page Prepare
Function 440Ch Minor Code 6Ah Query Selected Code Page