mov bx, Handle ;handle of file to lock or unlock
mov cx, hiOffset ;high 16 bits of 32-bit offset
mov dx, loOffset ;low 16 bits of 32-bit offset
mov si, hiLength ;high 16 bits of 32-bit region length
mov di, loLength ;low 16 bits of 32-bit region length
mov al, LockFlag ;00h = lock, 01h = unlock
mov ah, 5Ch ;Lock/Unlock File
int 21h
jc error_handler ;carry set means error
Lock/Unlock File (Function 5Ch) denies or allows access to the specified region in a file.
Identifies the file to lock or unlock.
Specifies the 32-bit offset (in bytes) from the start of the file to the beginning of the region to lock or unlock.
Specifies the 32-bit length (in bytes) of the region to lock or unlock.
Specifies whether to lock or unlock the specified file region (00h to lock the region, 01h to unlock the region).
If the function is successful, the carry flag is clear. Otherwise, the carry flag is set, and the AX register contains an error value, which may be one of the following:
Value | Name |
File sharing must be loaded (by running the Share program) before this function can be used.
This function returns 0021h (ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION) if all or part of the specified region is already locked or if the specified region is not identical to a region previously locked by the same procedure.
If another program attempts to write to or read from a locked region, MS-DOS retries three times; if the retries fail, MS-DOS issues Critical-Error Handler (Interrupt 24h) for the requesting program. A program can change the number of retries by using Set Sharing Retry Count (Function 440Bh).
The locked region can be anywhere in the file. For example, locking beyond the end of the file is not an error. Duplicate File Handle (Function 45h) and Force Duplicate File Handle (Function 46h) duplicate access to any locked regions. Passing an open file to a child program by using Load and Execute Program (Function 4B00h) does not duplicate access to locked regions.
Programs should not depend on being denied access to a locked region. To determine the status of a region (locked or unlocked), a program can attempt to lock the region and then examine the error value.
Function 440Bh Set Sharing Retry Count
Function 45h Duplicate File Handle
Function 46h Force Duplicate File Handle
Function 4B00h Load and Execute Program
Interrupt 24h Critical-Error Handler
Interrupt 2Fh Function 1000h Get SHARE.EXE Installed State