Function 5D0Ah Set Extended Error

mov si, seg ErrInfo

mov ds, si

mov si, offset ErrInfo ;ds:si points to ERROR structure

mov ax, 5D0Ah ;Set Extended Error

int 21h

Set Extended Error (Function 5D0Ah) sets the error class, location, suggested action, and other information that will be returned by the next call to Get Extended Error (Function 59h).



Points to an ERROR structure that contains error information as well as the contents of the registers when an error occurred. The ERROR structure has the following form:


errAX dw ? ;ax register

errBX dw ? ;bx register

errCX dw ? ;cx register

errDX dw ? ;dx register

errSI dw ? ;si register

errDI dw ? ;di register

errDS dw ? ;ds register

errES dw ? ;es register

errReserved dw ? ;reserved 16 bits

errUID dw ? ;user (computer) ID (0 = local computer)

errPID dw ? ;program ID (0 = local program)


For a full description of the ERROR structure, see Chapter 3, “File System.”

Return Value

This function has no return value.

See Also

Function 59h Get Extended Error