mov bx, ListIndex ;assign-list index
mov di, seg SetupString
mov es, di
mov di, offset SetupString ;es:di points to buffer for setup string
mov ax, 5E03h ;Get Printer Setup
int 21h
jc error_handler ;carry set means error
mov SetupSize, cx ;length of setup string
Get Printer Setup (Function 5E02h) retrieves the string of control characters added to the beginning of each file sent to a network printer.
Specifies the assign-list index for a network printer.
Points to a 64-byte buffer that receives the current string for the specified network printer.
If the function is successful, the carry flag is clear, the buffer pointed to by the ES:DI registers is filled in with the string currently used for printer setup, and the CX register contains the length of the printer setup string. Otherwise, the carry flag is set and the AX register contains an error value, which may be 0001h (ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION).
This function returns 0001h (ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION) if the network is not running.
Function 5E02h Set Printer Setup
Function 5F02h Get Assign-List Entry