mov dx, seg FileFCB
mov ds, dx
mov dx, offset FileFCB ;ds:dx points to FCB
mov ah, 11h ;Find First File with FCB
int 21h
cmp al, 0 ;zero means success
jne error_handler
Find First File with FCB (Function 11h) searches the current directory for the first file matching the filename specified by the file control block (FCB).
This function has been superseded by Find First File (Function 4Eh).
Points to an FCB structure or EXTENDEDFCB structure that identifies the file or files to search for.
If an FCB structure is given, the fcbDriveID, fcbFileName, and fcbExtent fields must specify the filename(s). The filename can include wildcards. All other fields should be zero. The FCB structure has the following form:
fcbDriveID db ? ;drive no. (0=default, 1=A, etc.)
fcbFileName db '????????' ;filename
fcbExtent db '???' ;file extension
fcbCurBlockNo dw ? ;current block number
fcbRecSize dw ? ;record size
fcbFileSize db 4 dup (?) ;size of file in bytes
fcbFileDate dw ? ;date file last modified
fcbFileTime dw ? ;time file last modified
fcbReserved db 8 dup (?) ;reserved
fcbCurRecNo db ? ;current record number
fcbRandomRecNo db 4 dup (?) ;random record number
For a full description of the FCB structure, see Chapter 3, “File System.”
If an EXTENDEDFCB structure is given, the extDriveID, extFileName, and extExtent fields must specify the filename(s). The filename can include wildcards. The extAttribute field must specify the attributes of the file to search for. All other fields should be zero. The EXTENDEDFCB structure has the following form:
extSignature db 0ffh ;extended FCB signature
extReserved db 5 dup(0) ;reserved bytes
extAttribute db ? ;attribute byte
;file control block (FCB)
extDriveID db ? ;drive no. (0=default, 1=A, etc.)
extFileName db '????????' ;filename
extExtent db '???' ;file extension
extCurBlockNo dw ? ;current block number
extRecSize dw ? ;record size
extFileSize db 4 dup (?) ;size of file, in bytes
extFileDate dw ? ;date file last modified
extFileTime dw ? ;time file last modified
extReserved db 8 dup (?) ;reserved bytes
extCurRecNo db ? ;current record number
extRandomRecNo db 4 dup (?) ;random record number
For a full description of the EXTENDEDFCB structure, see Chapter 3, “File System.”
If a file matching the name in the FCB structure or EXTENDEDFCB structure is found, the AL register contains 00h and the buffer at the current disk transfer address (DTA) receives a DIRENTRY structure defining the file. Otherwise, the AL register contains 0FFh.
If a program uses Find Next File with FCB (Function 12h) to continue searching for matching filenames, it must not alter or open the original FCB structure.
If the function is successful and an FCB structure was given, the function copies the drive number used in the search (1 = A, 2 = B, and so on) to the first byte at the DTA. It copies a DIRENTRY structure defining the file starting at the second byte at the DTA.
If the function is successful and an EXTENDEDFCB was given, the function copies an EXTHEADER structure starting at the first byte at the DTA and then copies a DIRENTRY structure defining the file immediately after the EXTHEADER structure.
The DIRENTRY structure has the following form:
deName db '????????' ;name
deExtension db '???' ;extension
deAttributes db ? ;attributes
deReserved db 10 dup(?) ;reserved
deTime dw ? ;time
deDate dw ? ;date
deStartCluster dw ? ;starting cluster
deFileSize dd ? ;file size
For a full description of the DIRENTRY structure, see Chapter 3, “File System.”
The EXTHEADER structure has the following form:
ehSignature db 0ffh ;extended signature
ehReserved db 5 dup(0) ;reserved
ehSearchAttrs db ? ;attribute byte
For a full description of the EXTHEADER structure, see Chapter 3, “File System.”
Function 4Eh Find First File