mov dx, seg FilesFCB
mov ds, dx
mov dx, offset FilesFCB ;ds:dx points to RENAMEFCB
mov ah, 17h ;Rename File with FCB
int 21h
cmp al, 0 ;zero means success
jne error_handler
Rename File with FCB (Function 17h) changes the name of an existing file.
This function has been superseded by Rename File (Function 56h).
Points to a RENAMEFCB structure that contains the old and new names for the file. The RENAMEFCB structure has the following form:
renDriveID db ? ;drive no. (0=default, 1=A, etc.)
renOldName db '????????' ;old filename
renOldExtent db '???' ;old file extension
renReserved1 db 5 dup(?) ;reserved
renNewName db '????????' ;new filename
renNewExtent db '???' ;new extension
renReserved2 db 9 dup(?) ;reserved
For a full description of the RENAMEFCB structure, see Chapter 3, “File System.”
If the function is successful, the AL register contains 00h. Otherwise, the AL register contains 0FFh.
If the filename in the RENAMEFCB structure contains wildcards, all matching files are renamed.
If the new name matches the name of an existing file, the function returns 0FFh without renaming the file.
Function 56h Rename File