mov dx, seg FileFCB
mov ds, dx
mov dx, offset FileFCB ;ds:dx points to FCB
mov ah, 24h ;Set Random Record Number
int 21h
Set Random Record Number (Function 24h) sets the random record field in a file control block (FCB) to match the file position indicated by the current block and current record fields.
This function has been superseded by Move File Pointer (Function 42h).
Points to an FCB structure that identifies an open file. The structure must have been previously filled by using Open File with FCB (Function 0Fh) or Create File with FCB (Function 16h). Also, the fcbRandomRecNo field must contain zero before this function is called. The FCB structure has the following form:
fcbDriveID db ? ;drive no. (0=default, 1=A, etc.)
fcbFileName db '????????' ;filename
fcbExtent db '???' ;file extension
fcbCurBlockNo dw ? ;current block number
fcbRecSize dw ? ;record size
fcbFileSize db 4 dup (?) ;size of file in bytes
fcbFileDate dw ? ;date file last modified
fcbFileTime dw ? ;time file last modified
fcbReserved db 8 dup (?) ;reserved
fcbCurRecNo db ? ;current record number
fcbRandomRecNo db 4 dup (?) ;random record number
For a full description of the FCB structure, see Chapter 3, “File System.”
This function has no return value.
Function 0Fh Open File with FCB
Function 16h Create File with FCB
Function 21h Random Read
Function 22h Random Write
Function 42h Move File Pointer