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Join the Microsoft® Developer Network CD pre-release program today for only $30.00!

Get the pre-release Developer Network CD, packed with inside information on programming for Windows. In addition, you'll receive the next issue of the Microsoft Developer Network News, a quarterly newspaper that contains programming tips, phone numbers, and information on development products.

If you don't want to join now, you can use the order form below to receive further information from the Microsoft Developer Network.


To pre-enroll in the program, simply complete this order form and mail it with your payment, or call (800) 227-4679, ext. 11771, between 6:30 AM - 5:30 PM Pacific time to order by credit card.
We plan to ship the first CD in September.

[ ] YES! Please enroll me in the Microsoft Developer Network CD pre-release program.
[ ] Do not enroll me at this time, but please keep my name on your mailing list.

Please complete information below. Total all charges at bottom. Please photocopy this form to place additional orders.

Mail with your payment to: Microsoft Corporation, P.O. Box 3011, Bothell, WA 98041-3011.

Name ___________________________________________________________
Company ___________________________________________________________
Street address ___________________________________________________________
(no P.O. boxes please) ___________________________________________________________
City ___________________________ State _____ Zip _____________
Daytime phone (if we have questions about your order) ____________________________________

Pre-release program enrollment 30.00   [ ] Check/money order enclosed**
Sales tax* (see list below) ______   [ ] MasterCard
Freight (for shipping CDs) 2.50   [ ] VISA
Total ______   [ ] American Express

Check or credit card number ______________________________________________
Cardholders signature ______________________________________________

Offer good only in the United States.Outside the United States, contact your Microsoft subsidiary or call (206) 936-8661 for local contact information. In Canada, call (800) 563-9048.

* Add the applicable sales tax in the following states: AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, NE, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, VA, WA ,WI, WV, WY. Microsoft reserves the right to correct tax rates and/or collect the sales tax assessed by additional states as required by law, without notice.

** Please send payment in U.S. funds. Do not send cash. Make checks payable to Microsoft Corporation. Offer expires Feb. 28, 1993.

CD 1 # 098-35234 CD 2 # 098-35233 PSDN