How to Give Us Feedback

This is a pre-release CD. We know that its contents are incomplete; for example, it does not include all of the Microsoft Systems Journal articles. We’ve got big plans for future versions of the CD. We’ll add more stuff—more new technical articles, more sample code, more resource and strategy papers, more tools and utilities. In addition, we’ll be refining and enhancing the user interface and search capabilities.

After you’ve checked out this first pre-release CD, take the lead and let us know what you think. Tell us what you need. Tell us what you don't like. Tell us what we need to add. This is your CD. We plan to be responsive to your needs, but we need you to tell us what they are.

Here’s how you can reach us:

Mail: Microsoft Developer Network, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399
Fax: (206) 936-7329, Attn: Developer Network
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