Language Parameter with .MODEL Directive Doesn't Preserve Case

ID Number: Q68072

5.10 5.10a | 5.10 5.10a



The .MODEL directive can be followed by a language parameter that

determines naming, calling, and returning conventions that are used

by the specified language. The example below demonstrates the syntax.

Although the language type determines the naming convention, it does

not determine the case of any names used. For example if the statement

".MODEL SMALL, C" is used, case sensitivity of names is not preserved,

even though C preserves case by default. However, an underscore is

added in front of any names. Similarly, if the statement ".MODEL

SMALL, PASCAL" is used in a program, all names are not forced to

uppercase (the default for Pascal).

To ensure proper case sensitivity, use the command line option /MX

(preserves case in public and external names), /MU

(converts names to uppercase), or /ML (preserves case in names).

Sample Code


.model small,c ; <--- Language specifier


foo proc

