After Access (ALT+) Key, First Input to Combo Box Is Ignored

ID Number: Q73040





In Microsoft Visual Basic version 1.0, if a combo box has the focus

and you use an access key (ALT + another key) to set the focus to

another object, and you then give the focus back to the combo box

(either by tabbing or using the mouse), then the next text key you

enter into the combo box will be ignored.

Microsoft has confirmed this problem in Microsoft Visual Basic version

1.0 programming system for Windows. We are researching this problem

and will post new information here as it becomes available.

More Information:

Steps to Reproduce Problem


1. Start Visual Basic.

2. On a form, create a combo box and a command button.

3. Change the caption property of the command button to "&Command1".

This makes ALT+C the access key for Command1.

4. Run the application.

Note that when you type ALT+C and then reset the focus back to the combo

box, either with the mouse or by using the TAB key, the next key you

press to enter text in the combo box will be ignored.

This problem occurs for both drop-down and simple combo boxes, styles

0 and 1.

Additional reference words: 1.00