How to Reboot Your Machine Within a MASM 5.10 Application

ID Number: Q68805




You can perform a complete reboot (cold boot) on an 8086-based machine

by jumping to the address F000:FFF0. This action also reboots many

80286 and 80386 machines. The address contains a jump instruction that

leads to the machine's initialization code. For this method to

succeed, your machine must be in real-mode operation.

More Information:

To prevent a memory check on IBM and many compatibles (warm boot), you

should store the value 0 x 1234 in the memory location at 0040:0072.

On 100-percent IBM BIOS compatible machines, an alternative method

is to call int 19h instead of jumping to the address mentioned


Code Example





mov ax, @data ; Load ds with data segment

mov ds, ax

mov ax, 40h ; These three lines cause a memory

mov es, ax ; test NOT to be performed. To

mov WORD PTR es:[72h], 1234h ; do a memory test, remove them.

jmp DWORD PTR b_vec ; Jump to the reboot address


b_vec DW 0FFF0h ; Offset of reboot vector

DW 0F000h ; Segment of reboot vector


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