Can't Get Help Within Any VB Dialog Box After an Error

ID Number: Q73119





If you are in any Visual Basic dialog box and an error occurs, after

you dismiss the error message, pressing F1 to get help for the dialog

box will result in getting help on the previous error message, not

help on the dialog box.

Microsoft has confirmed this problem in Microsoft Visual Basic

programming system version 1.0 for Windows. We are researching this

problem and will post new information here as it becomes available.

More Information:

The following steps reproduce the error:

1. From the File menu, choose Save Project.

2. Enter an invalid filename for saving the project.

3. An error message will pop up telling you that the filename is


4. Press ENTER or double-click the OK button to dismiss the error


5. Press the F1 key to get help on the Save Project dialog box.

6. The help message for the error will pop up, instead of help for the

dialog box.

This behavior is incorrect. The above steps should give you help for

the Save Project dialog box.

To work around the problem and get correct help on this dialog box,

dismiss the incorrect error message by double-clicking the control

button, and click CANCEL to get rid of the Save Project dialog box.

Now, choose Save Project from the File menu and press F1; the correct

help should display.

To get help on the error message, press F1 while the error message is
