Warning A4057 When Using Local Variables

ID Number: Q68873

5.10 | 5.10


buglist5.10 fixlist5.10a


The code below produces the following error:

Warning A4057: illegal size for operand

This warning is falsely generated and does not occur with version

5.10a of the Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM).

The variable arg1, shown in the code below, is a local variable that

is defined as a double word. The warning occurs when arg1 is used as

a WORD PTR. This is acceptable and should not be flagged.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in MASM

version 5.10. This problem was corrected in version 5.10a.

Sample Code


.MODEL small,c


Begin proc arg1:dword

mov ax, word ptr arg1


Begin endp

end Begin