Make EXE with 40-Byte Title Displays Only 39 in Task List

ID Number: Q73155




This information applies to Microsoft Visual Basic programming system

version 1.0 for Windows.

The following steps demonstrate a problem with Microsoft Windows 3.0;

the problem is not caused by Microsoft Visual Basic version 1.0:

1. Start Visual Basic.

2. From Visual Basic's File Menu, choose the Make EXE File command.

3. A Make EXE File dialog box will display. Enter a 40-character

filename in the File Name box.

4. Double-click the OK command button to exit the dialog box.

5. Minimize Visual Basic, go to the Windows Program Manager menu, and

choose File.

6. From the File menu, choose the Run option; the Run dialog box will


7. Now enter that 40-character .EXE filename or path to the .EXE

filename in the Command Line box, and double-click OK when done.

8. The .EXE file will run correctly, but if you press CTRL+ESC to

bring up the Task List box, you will see that your .EXE filename

has been truncated to 39 characters (it no longer is 40


Microsoft has confirmed this problem in the Microsoft Windows version

3.0 operating system (buglist3.00). We are researching this problem

and will post new information here as it becomes available.

Additional reference words: 3.00