Removing Disk During VB Setup Terminates SETUP, Missing Files

ID Number: Q73157





While running SETUP.EXE for Visual Basic, you may fail to copy all

files (or experience other problems) if you try to remove the disk

while the SETUP.EXE program is in progress.

Microsoft has confirmed this problem in Microsoft Visual Basic

programming system version 1.0 for Windows. We are researching this

problem and will post new information here as it becomes available.

To work around this problem, wait until SETUP indicates that 100

percent of the files are copied before removing the Visual Basic

floppy disk.

More Information:

Below is an example of one specific problem:

When running SETUP.EXE on Disk 1 of Visual Basic (using 1.2 MB 5.25-

inch disks), you can choose the option to install Visual Basic only.

SETUP's bar graph will start by displaying 4 percent done, and while

the large file C:\VB\VB.EXE is being copied, the disk drive light may

go off and you might assume that Visual Basic is finished running

SETUP. At this point you might (mistakenly) remove Disk 1. Then a

message tells you that SETUP is complete, and you can exit SETUP.

You have now installed VB.EXE, but you did not install some of the

other important files, such as VBRUN100.DLL, which is needed to run

your compiled applications under Windows version 3.0.

If you want to install Visual Basic by selecting Visual Basic only,

then you need to let Disk 1 complete its processing by waiting until

the bar displays 100 percent. If you let Disk 1 run to completion,

then the installed directory C:\VB should correctly contain the

following files:









Additional reference words: 1.00 3.00