C1001: Internal Compiler Error: codegen.x, Line 559

ID Number: Q67272

6.00 | 6.00


buglist6.00 fixlist6.00a


If the sample code below is compiled with the Microsoft C Compiler

version 6.00, using /AL and /Oe, the following internal compiler error

will be generated:

C1001: Internal Compiler Error

(compiler file '@(#)codegen.x:1.148', line 559)

Contact Microsoft Product Support Services

This error will not be generated if the /Oe optimization is used with

/Og and/or /Ol. Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in

Microsoft C version 6.00. This problem has been corrected in Microsoft

C version 6.00a.

Sample Code


#define DB_PTERM_PTR(id) (db_ptr[id] ? db_ptr[id] : db_swap_in(id))

extern DBRS_PTERM *db_swap_in(int);

extern DBRS_PTERM **db_ptr;

typedef struct


int type;

int factors[1];


void foo(int pt_id)


int id;

int i, j, k;

j = 0;

for (i=0;(id=DB_PTERM_PTR(pt_id)->factors[i]) != 0; i++)




DB_PTERM_PTR(pt_id)->factors[j++] = id;

