PRB: Error in Installation Manual for bounds-error() Routine

ID Number: Q67273

6.00 | 6.00





Page 58 of the "Microsoft C Installing and Using the Professional

Development System" version 6.0 manual is unclear when stating that

the program example will overwrite bounds and CodeView will catch

that error. The program returns the following run-time error upon

exiting the bounds_error routine, rather than when the error

actually took place:

run-time error R6012

- illegal near-pointer use


The manual states:

The program runs until it reaches the "for" statement in the

"bounds_error" function, where the array bounds are exceeded.

The output window reports an error while a CodeView dialog box

indicates the program has terminated.


The above statement implies that the program will fail when the

bounds of the array are exceeded, which is not entirely true.

The program will indeed fail in this case because the array bounds

are exceeded, overwriting stack information in the process.

However, the program will not fail until AFTER the for loop when

the bounds_error() function terminates. At that time, the pointer

check function will determine that the stack has been overwritten

and will issue the error message above.

If the array had not been stack based (that is, global or static)

and the stack data had not been trashed, the program would not have

failed. However, important data may still have been lost. To trap

overwrite errors of this nature, you could use "Bounds Checker" by


More Information:

The following sample code demonstrates this error and is the same

as the program listed in the manual.

Sample Code


void bounds_error(void)


int loop, the_num[10];




void main(void)




Additional reference words: 6.00